A Snippet of What We Treat

  • Frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis, impingement syndrome, tendonitis, labral and rotator cuff tears and post-operative repair rehab, arthritis, fractures

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome, ITB syndrome, arthritis, fractures, ACL/MCL/LCL and meniscus tears and post-operative rehab, tendonitis, total/partial knee replacement post-operative rehab

  • Iliopsoas tendonitis, FAI/impingement syndrome, ITB syndrome, arthritis, adductor/proximal hamstring strains/tears

  • Cervical, lumbar disc degeneration and herniation, lower/upper back pain, SIJ pain, postural dysfunction, sciatica, cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, fractures, post-operative rehab, headaches from a cervical origin

  • Plantar fasciitis/plantar tears, ankle sprains, ankle instability, Hallus valgus/bunion, post-operative rehab, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis/tears, peroneal/ posterior tibialis tendonitis, flat foot/pes planus

  • De Quervain’s Syndrome, arthritis, fractures, post-operative rehab